Written by Ka'ennaloha Watson
Creative Directors: Catalina Torres and Ashley Lavalle
Movement Director: Sophia Querrazzi
Photographer: Abigail Haven, @aby.hav on Instagram
Talent: @livia_hetes on Instagram
Makeup: Marlie Kaye
Hair: Catalina Torres
Ruled by Mars and Pluto, next on the list of “Who am I compatible with” in the locked notes app are Scorpios. From October 23rd to November 21st, when the moon is out a little later and emotions are a little stronger, the Scorpios come out to play! Surrounded by the spooky season and late nights, a sign that embraces darkness arises.
Scorpios go through many transformations in their physical life. They live to transform. Scorpio women and men are very different but hold many similarities within the core of themselves. Scorpios look within and take things to heart.
Scorpios are typically seen as very secretive people while having a very magnetic energy to them. People are attracted to Scorpios but can’t explain why. Dissecting where the Scorpio placement lives in someone's chart, answers can be easily found.

Anytime someone has any Scorpio placements in their chart they are fighting battles. They are on a battlefield between heaven and hell, darkness and light, death and rebirth, and high and low vibrations.
Your rising sign reveals how you interact with the world and how people perceive you. Though your sun will shine through, your rising sign is how a Scorpio's rising eyes can capture someone in an instant. Their dark nature permeates the room around them. They are naturally mysterious creatures and can come off as intimidating, intense, calculated, and stand-off-ish. If a Scorpio rising is quiet when you meet them, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are plotting against you (which sometimes they are) it just takes them a little (lot) longer to assimilate and open up. Coming in contact with a scorpio rising you may feel their sexual energy in the air. Scorpio risings are sexual beings by nature. Their sexual energy can sometimes make people feel uncomfortable because at times Scorpio risings don’t even know their power yet.

Scorpio suns are some of the most creative, determined, soulful, deep, magnetic, and observant beings. This can be true while holding truth to the fact that they are vengeful, petty, obsessive, stubborn, and secretive. Scorpios being a fixed sign, they are powerhouses who are known to have constant and grounding energy. Scorpio hold many powers within them because of the many transformations they will go through. Most tend to carry feelings of anxiety because their emotions run so deep. Scorpios fear betrayal and disappointment because they crave intimacy and loyalty. Even though they crave intimacy it is also true that they sometimes fear it. Although sexually they are not shy, when it comes to emotional intimacy they do hide away. They are very secretive signs and hold their truths near and dear. Something that would help a scorpio is allowing themselves to let others in but more importantly allow others to see who they are. A Scorpio will often expect openness from another person but not offer himself up. While living through many transformations, Scorpios will find peace in allowing their emotions to surface with the engrained idea that emotions do not control them.

Your moon placement is arguably one of the most important placements to understand/make up who you are. Your moon sign controls your emotions/how you deal with them. A Scorpio moon takes all of the intense energy of a Scorpio sun and heightens it by 10. The never-ending thoughts of death and rebirth, the need to express its soul, and the ability to maintain calm energy through tough times encapsulate a Scorpio moon. The moon is the fastest-moving planet within our body. Therefore, a Scorpio moon can experience highs and lows in a matter of seconds because of the intense nature of every emotion felt. A Scorpio moon lives at the bottom of the ocean. Being a fixed sign, they live very comfortably at the bottom of the ocean. Their emotions while deep and forceful do not surface easily. Like the Scorpio suns, a Scorpio moon will benefit from allowing its emotions to surface at a 10 and not hide behind them. Feeling whatever emotion may come will start to heal and open that closed door you were born behind.
Feel what you feel in whatever capacity it shows up and know that you are powerful enough to stop it at any time. So, feel those feelings at a 10 and then move on. <3
Written by Ka'ennaloha Watson
Creative Directors: Catalina Torres and Ashley Lavalle
Movement Director: Sophia Querrazzi
Photographer: Abigail Haven, @aby.hav on Instagram
Talent: @livia_hetes on Instagram
Makeup: Marlie Kaye
Hair: Catalina Torres