Wearing white jeans in the summer has been a staple in the fashion world for as long as I can remember. It provides class, and comfort when it’s hot, and looks great on everyone. White is a color that is said to celebrate life, opposing wearing black to a funeral. In the summertime, there are a lot of things to celebrate: birthdays, the 4th of July, people coming together, etc. During the year people celebrate birthdays and holidays too, but there is nothing like a nice summer barbecue and being surrounded by loved ones, especially the ones you haven’t seen all summer.
Considering white jeans have a sense of class and prose to them, the trend started with the high socioeconomic class wearing white when they would reside in their suburban area homes instead of urban during the summer time. People follow what the rich do because they want to be rich as well. So the white jean trend expanded. Now, white jeans don’t only have to be worn in the summer, but they provide a very classic and chic summertime look.

In recent years with social media growing, white jeans have now fallen to the younger generation. Millennials and Gen Z have now taken it upon themselves to style white jeans as well. They may provide a fun twist to the classic trend or they fall back into the early 90s style which has been labeled “rich mom look”. With white jeans continuing to grow in urban areas, it allows for the trend to develop into something more than just what the rich wear. It is staying in line with the rising fashion world, and people finding their style. During the pandemic, everyone had time for themselves, this led to people learning how to dress differently and realize how they want their clothes to express themselves.

The white jean can be worn to almost any event. It is one of those pieces that makes you look like you put a lot of thought into your outfit even though you just paired it with a simple top and called it a day. A reason that the staple has been here for so long is that it’s easy. It is easy to put on a pair of jeans and uplift your outfit just like that. The aspect of having white in your outfit emits to everyone that you do have a fashion sense and you feel comfortable wearing something else besides blue jeans or leggings.

The classic piece is timeless and will forever inspire us to branch out into other worlds of fashion or make ourselves look like rich moms. The white jean will forever be an inspirational item to anyone who is trying to expand their style options. White jeans are here to stay!
Written by Sofia Destefano