Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. The sun begins to return, the flowers start to bloom, and the end of gloomy days begins to appear on the horizon. It is a time to learn more about yourself and allow that to help shape who you will be. Spring is the season for renewal as well. Allowing yourself to have both ends and new beginnings arise. Out with the old and in with the new as they say, ridding yourself of what isn't good for you and finding better alternatives. That is why for me it is my favorite season. It allows me to see things in a new light and gives me the chance to change my perceptions. I also love the new life appearing, baby birds, flowering trees, and later nights. While the rain still lingers and the weather may still change, it is a time to wake up from a sometimes all too long winter.

After spending spring in many places worldwide I have come to appreciate it as my favorite season. In Ireland, while it did not signal the end of the rain it did signal brighter days. The flowers began to spring up everywhere, especially the daffodils. It lit up the countryside and trails with colors and indicated the start of warmer days. It was so beautiful to see and helped many not let the rain get them down. In Sicily, spring is the start of the best weather. It goes from the fifties to the seventies and things begin to come alive again. Children playing in the squares, old nonnas talking over an espresso, and students eating lunch together. The warmer weather meant more time outside and an end to the dreary rainy days. It was a time to open up and explore once again.

Of course, spring in New York will always be my favorite. I love seeing the city bustle on a warm spring weekend. College students and young adults take a break with a coffee or even a nice cocktail, people reading in the park, children blowing bubbles, dogs playing together and petals falling from the trees. It is the most beautiful season to me as colored flowers are strewed about the cities and the trees explode with new life. I will always enjoy spring no matter the place and appreciate the joy it brings.

Spring is also a time to reevaluate life and relationships. Now that winter is over and the gloom is beginning to ebb you can discover what people mean to you. It is important to hold your friends close and ensure that you are getting all you want from your relationship. Is everything reciprocating in the way you need and if not it is time to look inside and discuss what is best for those people. It may also be a time to discover yourself. Spring days may bring more time to ponder what you want for yourself and how to achieve it. For me, this was starting therapy and working on deciding a law school. For others this may be reworking an important relationship, looking for better jobs, or learning more confidence and how to respect themselves. This season can help many people truly discover who they are and respect themselves more. The winter is over and a time for a new better life has begun.

I will always love spring for the color, joy, and opportunities it brings. It allows us to see new ways of living and recreate important relationships. The time for dreariness is at an end and we can look forward to longer days and warmer weather. Life is beginning to start once again not just for animals and plants but for us as well. I will appreciate it for the ways it has helped me to learn myself and I hope it can do this for others. The joy of spring can never be overlooked.
Photography by Thea Wiener
Creative Director: Sophia Querrazzi
Production Manager: Veronica Anaya
Production Assistant: Ashley Murphy
Talent: Aubrey Jones Sean Kato