Written by Lucy Anderson
Photography by Mark Bluemle
CD/PM: Jake Pranian
PA: Diamond Durant
MD: Sophia Querrazzi
Talent: @sbsukii @geogurt @niaaabiaaaa @shepp.jr @imkaylynnelson @glerrysflores @jakepranian @_u_smile_i_smile_ on instagram
If I wrote the way I thought
My writing would never cease
Scribbles on the bathroom walls,
Graffiti in the streets.
If I wrote the way I cried,
My writing would be few
And far between
But when I’d write,
Oh, when I’d write,
I’d have enough words to fill the sea.
If I wrote the way I sang
I’d write and write and write
Until my hands and arms were cramped
Through the day into the night.
If I wrote the way I loved,
The pages would be thick
The fonts bolded loud and rough
But more tender than you'd think.
And if I wrote the way I lived,
Why, I’d never write at all,
For I have so much life to live,
But I’m still stuck here feeling small.
Written by Lucy Anderson
Photography by Mark Bluemle
CD/PM: Jake Pranian
PA: Diamond Durant
MD: Sophia Querrazzi
Talent: @sbsukii @geogurt @niaaabiaaaa @shepp.jr @imkaylynnelson @glerrysflores @jakepranian @_u_smile_i_smile_ on instagram