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F.U.B.U: Freedom of Black Bodies

Writer: Tayja WhyteTayja Whyte

For us by us, we create for our love of each other. We stand up for each other because who will stand up for us?

Coming from a pro dominantly black lifestyle and environment which is richly shaped from Jamaican and Black American culture, finding out that I would grow more in a diverse setting I went back to the place of my dreams and childhood to make my voice heard and then just as fast I was hit with the reality of society. As I slowly stepped away from my safety net, I had to say goodbye to a lot of things that made me feel safe, as the time past from little black baby girl to awkward black young girl to inspired black women I found a balance on campus on what I’m fine with eliminating and what I need to keep and that’s my connection to black people and my culture.

Finding my way on campus was definitely hard. I think that says a lot for some of our freshmen year. Being somewhere new and slightly uncomfortable can be intimidating, yes, but don’t be intimidated, for you are a star surrounded by other beautiful stars (as you can see) influenced by the bright ass lights of New York City.

Stop being so concerned with having a seat at the table; make your own table, and at that table, invite your biggest influences and supporters. Surround yourself with people who shine just as bright as you to encourage you, and, in turn, you encourage them.

Look out for each other, I’m here writing this doing all of this to let you know that you are not the only black person on campus! Pace (University) is black as fuck!

Don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable in spaces where you think you don’t fit; again, it’s not about fitting in; it’s about making your own out of what you learn and accomplishing.

College doesn’t have to be so scary: take that bitch by the head and pivot when shit get crazy and roll with the punches when you at your wits, but under any circumstance, do not give up and do not let them see you fall.

We are stronger and brighter than any darkness; together, we are Excellence.

Written by Tayja Whyte @tayjaa.x

Creative Director: Tayja Whyte @tayjaa.x

Production Manager: Chloe Kaleah Stewart @chloe.kaleah

Photography: Mark Bluemle @markbluemle

Production: Mickayla Davis @_mickayladavis_, Jazzi Almestica, K Pereira @kaleb.pereira922

PA: Amanda Manson @_.amanddaaa

Models: Alexandra Branch @4alexandraa | Amanda Manson @_.amanddaaa | Cecil Atkins @its._cecil | CharliRose Mosley @chaarrrlliiii | Chloe Belle @chloefb_ | Chloe Kaleah Stewart @chloe.kaleah | Davie Osborne @davisdavieosborne | DJ Lorthe | Eric Curry @ericcurryiii | Genesis Grey @genesisgrey_ | Jadan Brioso @jadan_brioso | K Pereira @kaleb.pereira922 | Keyonah Allen @keyonahmarie1 | Kirimi Mugwiria @almostinbloom | Markell Pagie @worldknownjokerr._ | Mekayla Bailey @yktv_its_mee | Melissa Alcindor @issaivvi | Mickayla Davis @_mickayladavis_ | Moram Hassan | Najee Durrett @najeeed1234 | Najm Muhammad @najmmuhammadd | Nasir Williams @_nasir_williams_ | Talia Williams @taliajwilliams | Tayja Whyte @tayjaa.x | Widney Borgella @_nini_18_

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